Titles of blog posts I might never write

18 Sep 2024

…but maybe I will!

My tech writing these days follows DDD (Dopamine-Driven Development), which means that if you tell me what you want to read from me, I will be that much more likely to write it.

Without further ado, some things I could write right now1:

Project write-ups2 and tutorials

Feelings™ (tech and otherwise)

Right. Now that I’ve gotten this current list out of my head, maybe I’ll be able to pick one and just go for it….


  1. Not included: any hypothetical projects I have not yet done.↩︎

  2. Also, this list only includes a few of the as-yet-undocumented projects from my backlog, but anything on that page is fair game for a DDD request.↩︎

  3. This already exists in slide form from my batch at RC, so :just: needs to be edited appropriately.↩︎

  4. Ditto↩︎

  5. Why yes, the Bechdel test does play an oversized role in my consciousness, why do you ask? As does Bechdel herself and the musical incarnation of her memoir.↩︎